Sunday, October 26, 2008

Bernstein vs. Luxemburg

I think that both of these writiers have very good points, but i dont think either is more right or wrong than the other.

With bernstein, i agree with the ideas he has about having socialism be more practical. He says that it cannot be as drastic as it is thought out to be, and that there are certain adaptations that must be made in order to sustain itself.

"And as I am firmly convinced that important periods in the development of nations cannot be leapt over I lay the greatest value on the next tasks of social democracy, on the struggle for the political rights of the working man, on the political activity of working men in town and country for the interests of their class, as well as on the work of the industrial organisation of the workers."

Bernstein talks about how there are certain needs from a government to hlp secure its citizens. But at the same time he says that violent revolution is neccesary to establish new order. Which is why he is critisized by Luxemburg as a revolutionist rather than a socialist

With Luxemburg, a good portion of the essay is spent critisizing Berstein and his ideas about ocialism, how they are contradictory. I think that there are points made about Bernstein being controdictory, but i believe that Bernsteins ideas seem to be more open minded into how to make socialism work rather than radical nonsense

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